Statement of Record






When the moon pirouettes out from the mountains

picked up by the ocean as an offering to the sun, relax

the stars have got this


When you notice two beings intertwined by the soul

holding only time has brought with them

the shrouds of secrecy an eyelid simply shared

by a blink


When in autumn’s autumned August you find the beginnings

of a September wiping the dried leaves from its eyes

a brown, red, orange hue colors the day

with warmth…

If you feel something, go find a cop or an MTA employee or a person of authority

If you feel something, say something.

If this little acorn of a pulse falls from your lungs

and your heart squirrels around it only to crack

the hard smoothed shells we all seem to protect

these days with more hard smoothed shells

but once cracked, flowering tulips of long stride

lilies language the tongue into a roar

Ohhh if you feel something, say something.

When everyone’s telling you to focus on fear and what could happen

so you can’t pay attention to what is actually going on as the toll

hardened world becomes nut shelled in and all you want

to be is a nut who enjoys the freedom of lovers and flowers

Ohhh if you feel something, say something.

I’ve never known the ocean to not roar back.

I’ve never known the roar to not come from within.

I’ve never known within to not come from love.

If you love something, say something.

If you kneel, pray something.

If you’re angry, write something.

If you love someone, create something.

If the pressure gets too high and there is an overwhelming thickness of oxygen suffocating your lungs, hold someone.

If you write something, hold something.

If you need someone, say something.

If your capacity of love is holding hands with another and there is a velvet fog hovering the moon, make someone.

Ohhh if you are someone, roar something.

if you feel something, say something.

Originally Published September 28, 2013


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Statement of Record

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