Statement of Record


Militarizing the Police


By Roxana Robinson 

In 1990, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain, the United States no longer needed a powerful physical military presence in Europe. Congress passed legislation allowing the Department of Defense to release six billion dollars’ worth of surplus military equipment to our local police departments across the country. This consignment included...

Masks and Gloves


By Rebecca Chace

Today a man died in front of our building, or maybe he didn’t. It’s spring 2020 in Brooklyn, New York. Yesterday, the death count was only forty-six, the day before it was sixty-one. Up and down have replaced north and south on the compass. I opened our front door, masked and gloved, inhaling Pine Sol from the spray bottle we use on the door knob we share with other...

Speaking of Which: Work in Progress


 By Uche Nduka


they maced their faces multiple times they broke
their eyeglasses tenth ride of the Mounted Units

Rooms and Clarinets


Clifford Thompson

Malcolm X has been on my mind lately. I’ll get to that in a moment.

In my early and mid-teens, I played the clarinet, badly. I gave it up after that, and I don’t even know where my old clarinet is. But I have another one now, given to me by a friend who found it in her apartment, left behind by a previous tenant; my friend thought of me as she herself was...

Three Poems by Uche Nduka

By Uche Nduka

partly because love
travels through much
of these lines

ears & glyphs follow

something like a rash move
& various kinds
of self-denial

Statement of Record

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